This award-winning event is produced by law students from McGeorge School of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law, UC Hastings College of Law, Golden Gate University School of Law, University of San Francisco School of Law, and UC Davis School of Law. This year we will explore innovations needed to address periodic drought as the new normal in California water via six exciting panels. The panels will examine the importance of “thinking globally, acting locally” in the context of key
emerging issues. |
Symposium Presenter CLE Materials
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8:00 am – 9:00 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 am – 9:15 am
Introduction: Dean Francis J. Mootz III, McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific Professor Jennifer Harder, McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific Symposium Co-chairs 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Regulatory and Technological Innovation in Water Use Information, Measurement and Data Analytics 10:25 am – 11:25 am
Expanding Supply and Reducing Demand-Alternative Sources, Conservation and Efficiency 11:35 am - 12:35 pm
Local Paths to Water Justice 12:35 pm – 1:35 pm
Lunch and Keynote Justice Ronald Robie '67, Third District Court of Appeal 1:45pm – 2:45 pm
Water-Energy Nexus and the New Normal 2:55 pm - 3:55 pm
Local Storage and Infrastructure Projects 4:05 pm – 5:05 pm
Implementing the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 5:15 pm – 7:30 pm
Reception |
Panel Description
Regulatory and Technological Innovation in Water Use Information, Measurement,
and Data Analytics
UC Berkeley School of Law
California faces considerable current and future water management challenges. Measurement, science, and data provide the foundation for innovative techniques and technologies that will play an important role in California’s water management future. This panel highlights measurement, innovation, information, and data in multiple sectors: state regulatory agencies, water districts, and the private sector. The panel will begin by summarizing the current state of water use measurement information in California. Panelists will speak about innovations occurring in their areas of expertise, as well as the incentives and legal, economic, political, and technical barriers to innovation. Panelists will also discuss entities their organization shares data with, and long term plans or visions for increasing information flow.
California faces considerable current and future water management challenges. Measurement, science, and data provide the foundation for innovative techniques and technologies that will play an important role in California’s water management future. This panel highlights measurement, innovation, information, and data in multiple sectors: state regulatory agencies, water districts, and the private sector. The panel will begin by summarizing the current state of water use measurement information in California. Panelists will speak about innovations occurring in their areas of expertise, as well as the incentives and legal, economic, political, and technical barriers to innovation. Panelists will also discuss entities their organization shares data with, and long term plans or visions for increasing information flow.
ModeratorNeli Green Nylen
Research Fellow, Wheeler Institute for Water Law and Policy at Berkeley Law PanelistsAndy Sawyer
Assistant Chief Counsel, State Water Resources Control Board |
Robb Bamitt
Founder and CEO, Dropcountr Erick Soderlund
Attorney at Santa Clara Valley Water District |
Local Storage and Infrastructure Projects
UC Davis School of Law
This panel will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the acquisition and use of Proposition 1 funds to address local water concerns. The panel will touch on the role of Urban Water Management Plans, Groundwater Sustainability Agencies, and Integrated Regional Management Plans with respect to local water management.
This panel will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the acquisition and use of Proposition 1 funds to address local water concerns. The panel will touch on the role of Urban Water Management Plans, Groundwater Sustainability Agencies, and Integrated Regional Management Plans with respect to local water management.
ModeratorKatherine Spanos
Senior Staff Counsel with the California Department of Water Resources PanelistsKamyar Guivetchi
Chief of DWR’s Division of Statewide Integrated Management |
Jack Safely
Imported Supply Unit Manager at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Anne Hartridge
Senior Staff Counsel at the State Water Resources Control Board |
Local Paths to Water Justice
McGeorge School of Law
This panel would build on the environmental justice and human right to water discussion at the 2015 symposium by focusing on water justice issues in geographic areas of California not yet explored. There are no less than six different agencies within California that oversee and regulate domestic water systems in California. The panel would discuss the reality that disadvantaged communities generally lack access to clean, safe, affordable, or reliable water due to a fractured oversight and regulatory system that does not adequately protect these communities.
This panel would build on the environmental justice and human right to water discussion at the 2015 symposium by focusing on water justice issues in geographic areas of California not yet explored. There are no less than six different agencies within California that oversee and regulate domestic water systems in California. The panel would discuss the reality that disadvantaged communities generally lack access to clean, safe, affordable, or reliable water due to a fractured oversight and regulatory system that does not adequately protect these communities.
ModeratorStephen McCaffrey
McGeorge School of Law, Distinguished Professor of Law PanelistsCollin Bailey
Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, Executive Director |
Debbie Franco
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, Community and Rural Affairs Advisor Tracey O'Reilly
Miller Axline & Sawyer, Attorney |
Implementing the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
USF School of Law
The ongoing drought is affecting California in profound ways including increased reliance on groundwater. Over-pumping has depleted aquifers and caused land subsidence with associated damage to roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. As climate change reduces California water supplies, increased demand for groundwater is likely to continue. To address these challenges, California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in 2014. The SGMA and its implementation aims to incorporate local agencies and actors to try to combat this statewide issue. Join our panel discussion to learn more about about how SGMA implementation will affect groundwater management, and the potential conflicts that are on the horizon.
The ongoing drought is affecting California in profound ways including increased reliance on groundwater. Over-pumping has depleted aquifers and caused land subsidence with associated damage to roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. As climate change reduces California water supplies, increased demand for groundwater is likely to continue. To address these challenges, California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in 2014. The SGMA and its implementation aims to incorporate local agencies and actors to try to combat this statewide issue. Join our panel discussion to learn more about about how SGMA implementation will affect groundwater management, and the potential conflicts that are on the horizon.
ModeratorNathan Metcalf
Hanson Bridgett, Partner PanelistsErik Ekdahi
State Water Resources Control Board |
Michael Frantz
Turlock Irrigation District, Board of Directors Laurel Firestone
Community Water Center, Co-Executive Director, Co-Founder, Attorney at Law |
Expanding Supply and Reducing Demand-- Alternative Sources, Conservation, and Efficiency
UC Hastings College of Law
UC Hastings will embrace this year’s theme of “think globally, act locally” when our panel will look to at the best practices utilized by Israel and Australia. There, the water saving practices resulted in water independence. We hope that by exploring these practices, soon, California’s cup will runneth over, through sheer delight, and with water.
Today’s water practice standards will not be adequate for the future. California demands a lot of water for our vast agricultural areas and large population. A poor balance of supply and demand is California’s most fundamental water problem. Our continued reliance on water transfers as a way to solve our water needs is similar to watching a lake slowly evaporate. We need innovation. The panel will focus on water conservation practices such as implementing greywater systems within homes, stormwater capture, and the water rights issues surrounding our water usage.
UC Hastings will embrace this year’s theme of “think globally, act locally” when our panel will look to at the best practices utilized by Israel and Australia. There, the water saving practices resulted in water independence. We hope that by exploring these practices, soon, California’s cup will runneth over, through sheer delight, and with water.
Today’s water practice standards will not be adequate for the future. California demands a lot of water for our vast agricultural areas and large population. A poor balance of supply and demand is California’s most fundamental water problem. Our continued reliance on water transfers as a way to solve our water needs is similar to watching a lake slowly evaporate. We need innovation. The panel will focus on water conservation practices such as implementing greywater systems within homes, stormwater capture, and the water rights issues surrounding our water usage.
ModeratorDave Owen
Hastings College of Law, Professor PanelistsNoelle Patterson
State Water Resources Control Board, Water Resources Engineer |
Aaron Ferguson
Somach Simmons & Dunn, Associate Attorney Anya Kamenskaya
DIG Cooperative, Chief Financial Officer |
Water-Energy Nexus and the New Normal
UC Hastings College of Law
This panel will focus on competing water uses and water management in the context of energy. Topics will cover the California Energy Commission’s hierarchy of water management, the proposed relicensing of the Don Pedro Project and La Grange Dam, and the right to use water for fracking.
This panel will focus on competing water uses and water management in the context of energy. Topics will cover the California Energy Commission’s hierarchy of water management, the proposed relicensing of the Don Pedro Project and La Grange Dam, and the right to use water for fracking.
ModeratorProfessor Paul Kibel
Golden Gate University School of Law, Professor Panelists
Wes Miliband
Stoel Rives, Of Counsel Jared Babula
California Energy Commission, Senior Staff Counsel |
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